
The Old Days

The Old Days I often look back at the past, and contemplate the changes in things through time and ponder the differences. I vividly recall when I was a kid, all my playmates and I had G.I. Joe dolls. To try not to sound girlish they were referred to as action figures. If you were one…
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Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For If you turn on your television set and attempt to watch a program you’ll be bombarded with commercials. There are an enormous amount of them. Many have catchy jingles and are trying to invoke some sort of change, or hope that if you see it enough times it will…
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New Stuff

New Stuff Since the onset of when modern man started walking erect, and was able to communicate through grunts and other sounds, he has been on a quest for new things. To set the record straight, I am referring to humanity as a whole when I say modern man. The selection of new things was…
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Broken People

Broken People During the course of our lives, we constantly use the word broken for inanimate objects. “My toaster is broken.” “I pulled the blinds shut but they were broken.” “I went to fry an egg but the yoke was broken.” As fitting as it may be, we seldom use this word for people, even…
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Always the Bad Guy

Always the Bad Guy Many years ago, I had a very large and diverse group of friends: a few jocks, more than a few burn outs, your standard garden variety baby gangsters, and a few which would be called eccentric to say the least. One close friend in particular decided to stop dealing in things…
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Fifteen Things I Found Humorous in Prison

Fifteen Things I Found Humorous in Prison Having lived in one prison or another for close to two decades, I can’t help but look back at a few of the humorous (and in some instances, not so humorous) things I have seen: 1. Sitting in the prison yard watching someone getting spit on for sixty-two…
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Facebook Gangsters

Facebook Gangsters Social media was not nearly as common prior to the onset of my incarceration. In short, things of this nature were just in their infancy and I was far from interested or computer literate. I also couldn’t spell “cat” if you fronted me the “c” as well as the “t.” An entire generation grew…
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Disrespect Me

Disrespect Me Over the course of my incarceration, I have been involved in countless relationships; a few of which have led to several of my horribly failed marriages. On the positive side and unlike traditional dating, you really get to know someone in the time it takes to go through the courting process, and the…
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Screams from the Darkness

Screams from the Darkness A scream reverberated through the darkness. Its final destination was a part of my ear that still remains inanimate. The sound of it surely must have risen the newly departed. They stir in their silk-lined resting places, dressed in an outfit to die for. Was someone’s mind straining to cast loose…
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Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories My Grandmother baking with a wooden rolling pin, The smell of freshly baked honey balls with candy confetti. Honey stuck to my hands and face while swearing I didn’t eat any. A blizzard Christmas morning, My Grandfather sweeping mountains of snow with a house broom, Which proved to me only foolish people had…
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